Executive Management Coaches
Optimizing the Executive Team
ETB: Executive Team Building
Your Executive Team members gather once or twice a month to act as a Think Tank to learn and apply the Wisdom Hunger Model (WHM) of leadership and high performance.
These sessions are facilitated by one of our expert consultants who are steeped in the WHM.
Each session, you will examine key issues in the company and learn to analyze and solve them together.
The unique aspect of our ETB is that it combines specific problem solving with a curriculum-based program that trains executive teams to lead by instinct and by wisdom.
You will learn concepts and techniques for managing the following aspects of organizational life:
AWARENESS: Understanding the Mind: how people Think, Feel, and Decide at the Wisdom Altitude of Life
BEHAVIOR: Managing high performance by combining Knowledge, Passion, & Instinct—the KPI’s of productive action
CULTURE: Mobilizing your shared vision, values, and commitments toward achieving your organizational purpose
STRUCTURE: Creating the interactive patterns of the successful organization.
As the months go by, your Executive Team will create a culture of success and self-responsibility that will last through the years.
For a team building process to succeed and last, it must have two elements: a comprehensive framework and a comprehensive practice that applies those ideas. ETB provides both.